Est. 1946

Open Day for Nut Growers


Weiss McNair, along with their Dealer, Growers Services will be holding an open day with the following models on display at Mildura and Griffith.

  • 2850 Low Profile Sweeper
  • 9810 Harvester
  • TM799 Low Profile vee rake
  • B89 two-way blower
  • C5110 Conditioner

Mildura; Growers Services, 375 Benetook Avenue; Monday 6th February ‘23 @ 11.00am

Griffith; Growers Services, 35/37 Twigg Street; Thursday 9th February ’23 @ 11.00am

with a light luncheon and drinks supplied. Please register your interest for catering purposes.

Steve Paltridge and Brett Muller (Weiss McNair) along with Ray Pickering (Growers Services) will be on hand to present these machines, plus answer any questions you may have relating to Harvest Machinery. Also these machines, plus others will be demonstrated during 2023 Harvest.

Further information can be obtained from: –

I am hoping to see you at one of these venues. Please register your interest in one of the above.

Kind Regards

Steve Paltridge

Area Manager

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